Monday, September 3, 2012

Essay #3

I am definitely aiming for excellence over my next four years at John Carroll. A number one topic for me that I need to work on is organization. In middle school I was SO unorganized. I would be all over the place for midterms and finals and be stressed out more than I should be for tests. This year I’m going to keep everything in a designated place so I can just bring a folder home for a test instead of several notebooks, a text book, and several folders. Another huge thing I need to work on is procrastinating. Again in middle school I would push everything to the last minute and stress myself out. Instead of rushing to do my homework before sports I would wait till the last minute after. This year I am going to make sure I do my work right away or as soon as I get it. I’m also aiming to work just a little harder in my weaker subjects.  Maybe if I study a lot harder in my weaker areas I will possibly be able to make them one of my strong subjects. Another thing I’m going to aim for is balancing my sports and my academics. I usually would look forward to my sport’s practices and just not think about my homework until I had to. This year I’m going to use my off mods wisely so I can get some of my homework done before my practice or game. One more thing that is a big “DON’T” this year is using the computer as a toy and not a work device. I am going to make sure to not go on any other sites besides the site I am supposed to be in class. This year excellence is definitely a huge goal for me and I hope to follow everything I said in this paragraph. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a brilliant plan. I'm really encouraged that you recognize a lot of the pitfalls freshman face. Stick to this and you are going to have a GREAT four years here! 25/25.
