Monday, September 17, 2012


Today is Monday, which is supposed to be the worst day of the week, but human geography brightened up my day. The lesson whizzed by as we went through a power point and were told we were going to have a test on either Thursday or Friday. We learned a lot through the power point that Mr. Schick made. Something that really interested me was the fact that women tended to live longer than men. The reason behind this is men tend to take on more dangerous jobs, such as: firefighting, coal mining, joining the military. There are also small factors that tie into the topic because health is also a problem for men. Men tend to have more heart problems than woman. Another big topic we talked about was how the population of the planet is growing and the life expectancy now-a-days. The population of the world now is 7 billion people, and by the time I am in my 40’s the population will most likely be in the 10 billions. And in 2003 the life expectancy was thought to be in the 60’s. Now in 2012 the life expectancy is thought to be in the 70’s. Summing it all up we learned a lot this class period.

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