Friday, October 26, 2012

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

Islamic State

King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz (King AND prime misister)



Federal Presidential Republic

President Hugo Chávez


Democratic Republic
Dilma Rousseff



Semi-presidential system

President François Hollande

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Constitutional monarchy

Prime minister David Cameron



Federal parliamentary republic

Chancelor Angela Merkel



Multi-party parliamentary system

President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu




President Mahmoud Ahmadi-nejad


Presidential system, Islamic Republic
President Hamid Karzai


Democratic Republic
President Pranab Mukherjee


Single-party republic
President Hu Jintao




Constitution-based federal republic

President Enrique Peña Nieto

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Things to know

What was the landbridge the Native Americans crosses? The Beringian Landbridge
What does nervana mean? The highest happiness
How many poeple do not have any religous claim at all? 1 billion
Did Colombus discover America?  No people already lived there
What language does Brasil speak? Portugese
When did Christopher Columbus arrive? 1492
Is Buddhism monotheistic or polytheistic? Neither because they have no god.
How do Muslims pray(specifically)? They pray 5 times a day in the direction of Mecha, which is the birthplace of Muahmmed
What is the holy book of Judaism? The Talem and the Torah
Does the Islam relgion have a holy book? Yes. The Koran.
What is the oldest monotheistic religion? Judaism
What is teh oldest relgion? Hindusim
What is the holy city of Islam? Hajj

Friday, October 19, 2012


Today in class we were given the assignment of making up 5 questions that could possibly be put on the test. Mr. Schick said there is a chance that he might take some of them so everyone needs to really try with the assignment. So here are my five questions:
1.) What part of America did the Vikings first come to?
Answer: Canada
2.)What are the 3 main characteristics that either link or divide a country?
Answer: Language, Region, and Ethnic Heritage.
3.) How many world religions are there? Name them.
Answer: 5. Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Hinduism.
4.) What religion is most followed?
Answer: Christianity
5.)What religious followers prays five times a day?
Answer: Islam

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Today in human geography we talked about four of the five main religion. We talked about Buddhism, Hinduism and we started to talk about Judaism. Buddhism is a very interesting religion. Buddhism does not have a so called god but they worship the leader that discovered the religion of Buddhism. You will recognize the founder in the statues and models of Buddhas. Buddhists believe in happiness in the highest form. We also went over Hinduism. Hindus have several gods. They do not have one specific god. We also started talking about Judaism. We didn't cover that much of Judaism but we covered enough for us to know that it is a very strict religion. The other religion we went over was Islam. Muslims have to pray 5 times a day and they always have to face towards what they call their holy place. I would say they have the strictest religion. Overall it is very interesting to learn about all of the religions.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Today in human geography we continued to study the PowerPoint that we began last class. We covered ethnic heritage and religion. We talked about they hold a country together or pull them apart. Ethnic heritage can pull people apart like you wouldn't believe. One thing that is different about a person can change the way someone looks at them. It is the definition of ridiculous. Religion can also be a main factor that pulls people apart in a country, but it is also a strong bond that holds us together. There are 5 main religions in the world: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. There are certain religions that specifically do not get along. For example Islam and Christianity are two very opposite religions that have a lot of opposing views.  But religion can also bring people together. There are churches or synagogues that make you feel a part of a community. There are funerals that bring people together and bring closure to their family members, friends, or acquaintances. Usually a country has a high population of one specific religion so in most countries is usually isn’t a problem.

Friday, October 12, 2012


Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism are all major religions. All these religions were founded in different places. Christianity was founded in Palestine around 30 AD; Islam was founded in Saudi Arabia in the year 590, Buddhism was founded in India in the 5th century (BC), Hinduism was also founded in India in 2000 BC, and Judaism was founded in Canaan in 2000 BC. Most of the religions are monotheistic. Judaism, Christianity, and the Islam religion are all monotheistic. The only religion that is polytheistic is Hinduism. All that leaves is Buddhism. Buddhism is surprisingly neither monotheistic NOR polytheistic because they haves more than one god. Most of these religions use some kind of book as a form to worship their God or gods. Christianity uses the Bible, Judaism uses the Torah, Hinduism uses the Bhagavad- Gita, Islam uses the Holy Qur’an, and Buddhism does not use a holy book.  Each religions has a lot of followers. Judaism has 14,000,000 followers, Christianity has 2,100,000,000 followers, Buddhism has 350,000,000 followers, Islam has 2,000,000,000 followers and Hinduism has 1,000,000,000 followers. Each religion has a central figure history. Christian’s central figure is Jesus, Muslims central figure Mohamed, Buddhists central figure is the Buddha, Hindu’s have several gods, Judaism’s central figures are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel. They also all have geographical concentrations. Christianity’s is predominant in the Western World (North America, Europe and Oceania), Islam’s is Middle East, Northern Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, Western Africa, Indian subcontinent, Malay Archipelago with large population centers existing in Eastern Africa, Balkan Peninsula, Russia and China, Buddhism’s is Indian subcontinent, Sri Lanka, East Asia, Indochina, regions of Russia and The Netherlands, Hinduism’s Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Fiji, Guyana, Trinidad, Mauritius, Suriname, Bali, Australasia, Northern America ,United Kingdom, France, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Malaysia, Switzerland, and Judaism’s is Israel, and small pockets of North and South America, Europe and Asia. Overall each religion is widely ranged in the interest of their followers.  

Thursday, October 11, 2012


In human geo today, the Christopher Columbus group finished their power point on Columbus.  There was only about 3 or 4 slides left but it was a really good presentation altogether. I jotted down more notes in addition to my notes from yesterday. After that group finished up Mr. Schick started to present his own presentation on what we are now learning, as of today, about. We learned about why language was important to a country. For example, people is Germany have to speak German to communicate to each other to get things done and to generally work together. We started to learn about ethnic heritage but the class ended before I could write any notes on it. It was a very long class period though because it was a double mod but the time always flies but in human geography so I didn’t mind.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Today in human geography we presented our power point on Native Americans. We explained when they came to the Americas (about 14,000 years ago), how they got there, and a lot of other things. The other two groups also presented. The other two groups were Vikings and Christopher Columbus. Something I never realized until the recent presentation on Columbus is how horrible of a person he was. He was someone I learned about as I grew up and someone that everybody knows the name of but there is a lot more to his story. First of all he did not discover America. People were already living there, he just brought more people there to make profit off of the country. It also talked about how he actually cut off the hands of the natives and he enslaved people to do his work for him and he even raped women. I realize what a horrible person he is and how undeserving he is to be so famous in history. The only word that comes to my mind when I think of his story now is: disgusting. We are going to hear the rest of the presentation tomorrow, so I am very interested to hear the rest.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Today in human geo we were separated into 3 groups of 9. Each group was given a topic to do assigned questions on. The 3 topics were Native Americans, Viking, and Columbus. I wanted to be in the vikings group but there were already too many people so I settled with my second choice, Native Americans. I did my question that I was assigned as a group (number 1: When did your group first arrive in America?) I found the answer but the link I was emailed to post the answer isn't working so I will have to fix that problem in school tomorrow. Besides our assignment, a new addition of our class was added today. Michael!!! And he sits right next to me, so that made my day. We don't have class tomorrow so the next time blogger will see me is on Wednesday. Bye for now.

Friday, October 5, 2012


Today in human geo we took our 100 point test on the video documentary God Grew Tired Of Us. I think I did really well personally. Carly Lyon had a shadow and the shadow read off the answers after everyone had turned in their tests. After hearing the answers and comparing to them to what I remember putting I feel pretty confident in my answers. Hopefully I will receive a good grade. I am already eager to get the test back even though I handed it in less than 5 minutes ago. After we finished the test Taylor Sommer was called down to the office, according to Mr. Schick she was invited to a party by Mr. Ireton, but I think he just had some news for her or something. We all talked for a little bit at the end of class and then we were dismissed to my our last mod of the day, in my case it was an off mod. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Today in human geography we went over the links to charities that we found. We found a lot. We found out that Toms, which is a shoe company, donates shoes to a child every time someone buys a pair of toms. We also found a website that helps kids that were born disfigured. The website gives money to kids who need surgery to fix the disfigured part of their lip. We also had a discussion on what we can do to help Sudan. I had the suggestion of making gel bracelets with some kind of saying on it to raise awareness. Tomorrow we have a 100 point test on the video God Grew Tired Of Us. I'm pretty confident about the test. It seemed like everyone paid really close attention to the video so I have a feeling we will all do pretty well.   

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Today in human geography we did a group project. We were connected to a link that brought us to a website that we all could submit information too at the same time. You could write a sentence and every student had the power to edit the sentence or erase it so we were given a huge responsibility. Mr. Schick said he trusted us not to edit the words or delete anything. Most of us were not doing anything but there were a couple unnamed people that were messing with the sentences and messing with what people have written. At the end of class our group found a link to a charity that supports the people in Africa. We could not write it on the page Mr. Schick gave us because he had to disconnect us from the website because of the select view that were messing with the page. Over all it was an eventful day for my personal group. 

Monday, October 1, 2012


Today in human geography we continued to watch the inspiring video, God Grew Tired Of Us. I realize now that I judged the title wrongly. When I first heard the title I thought of people who had suffered majorly and lost their faith in God forever. But I realize now that God is more important to them now, than before the  war even happened. John Bul Dau felt like at the time that God had grew tired of his people and forgot about them, but now he has an even stronger faith than before. In the video John saved up enough money to bring his mother to America to meet her. John was made secretary of the Lost Boys organization, and he opened a medical hospital in his homeland. Panther opened a school in his homeland and graduated school and he found his brother. Daniel sadly did not find any of his family but is still taking school classes and working. Over all the video was inspiring and I think we should raise awareness of the crimes in Sudan by having fundraisers or having John himself come and speak to us. We could also use the money from the fundraisers to make gel bracelets saying something like " Sudan-the war ends now" or something like that. Each kid at John Carroll could be given at least 3 and he/she could give them to their friends and family members.