Wednesday, August 29, 2012


 Today was very very boring. We opened the class as we normally opened, with a prayer, and the whole class forgot what to say back ( Let us rejoice and be glad.) So we had try it again. The goal for the class was to make sure everyone was to get there blog up and to send their URL to Mr. Schick's email. I already had my blog posted successfully so there was absolutely NOTHING for me to do but sit there and sometimes chat with a person near me. After what felt like hours everyone finally posted their blogs and emailed their URL. But it actually took the whole entire class period for everyone who couldn’t post their blogs on the first day, to finally post it today.  So besides writing our everyday blog we were also given one other assignment. To research some terms and find what they mean so here I go:
Arête- arête is a Greek word that basically means excellence of many varieties.
Polis- a polis is an ancient city-state in Greece.
Socrates- Socrates was an Athenian philosopher. He is famous for being the teacher of Plato and for making paintings that made his students skeptic.
The death of Socrates-  the death of Socrates was a painting by Socrates of his closing moments because Socrates was unjustly condemned to death . His paintings began to make people skeptic and the Athenian government were very unhappy so they gave Socrates the choice of exile or death. He chose death.
 The Socratic method-  the Socratic method was named after Socrates, who used a teaching method he made up where he would ask the students question after question in order to get them to use critical thinking and argue and debate with him in order to make them solidly confident.
The date 508 BC- the Klisthenis came to power and strengthened the Athen government.
Agora-  the agora was used for several things. It was basically a meeting place for any kind of gathering or assembly.
Idiot someone who prefers to keep to themselves and avoid public affairs. Some one who lacks professional skills.

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