Sunday, August 26, 2012

First day at JC

My experience at John Carroll could be summed up into two words, fun and exciting.  Now I know the words fun and school aren’t supposed to be able to fit in the same sentence but I couldn’t help but enjoy my experience at JC. I came into the school eager to get started and we began our day with a parent/student breakfast. After greeting my friends and meeting a bunch of new people we all gathered in the auditorium where several people made a speech about what we should expect in our future as a Patriot. When that ended we were all sent to our advisories where I met Mr. Iacchei who will be my advisor for the next 4 years. The fire alarm interrupted the advisory session but it was only a drill so we could learn where to go in case of an actual fire. After we went inside we had a quick snack in the cafeteria and then split up into groups and visited four different classrooms where we were given various speeches on recycling, and the library rules, and the dean of discipline made a speech, and we also had our pictures taken. When that was wrapped up we had lunch in the cafeteria and we then had a run through of our Wednesday schedule. This involved constantly ripping my schedule out of my folder to see what room I was in next and hoping I wasn’t late! Finally at the end of the long day we had a short wrap up in the cafeteria and everyone said their goodbyes unless they had practice for a sport which in my case was volleyball. Over all it was a fun and exciting experience and I’m looking forward to the rest of the year. 

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