Thursday, January 10, 2013


Helloooooooooooooooooooo fellow bloggers. Today was the long mod for human geo but it felt super short. In the beginning of class we did our lock down. It went pretty smoothly.There was a couple of incidents where Mr. Schick had to shush us but other wise it was good. After the lock down drill we continued to watch the video Guns Germs and Steel. We watched about animal domestication and plant domestication. Animal domestication was when humans began to control animals (what they ate, when they breaded  etc.). It started with animals like goats and sheep and extended to larger animals such as horses and elephants. The idea was to get an animal that wasn't a carnivore because then you would have to collect other animals to feed it and it would take up too much time and resources. Humans tried to gather animals that didn't just benefit from meat but benefited with fertilization and dairy products and fur. The animals they used didn't take TOO MUCH taking care of, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a lot of work. At the beginning of 3rd mod Moh and I left to help Mrs. Murphy Dohn put away the nativity scene in the church. By the time we got back their was only about 4 minutes left in class. Hopefully we didn't miss too much!

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