Monday, November 5, 2012

World Leaders

King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz (Prime Minister and king of Saudi Arabia)
> He has proved himself a good leader and an adjustable person because of all the titles he holds, such as: deputy of defense, king, prime minister, mayor of Mecca, commander of the Saudi Arabian National Gaurd, and many more leadership titles.
> He is good with money and balancing it within the government.

President Hugo Chávez(President of Venezuela)
> Has became apart of the olivarian Revolution and gained political skill.
> He was born into a working-class family so he grew up in politics and business.

President Dilma Roussef (President of Brazil)
> Suffered through hardship(getting tortured in prison) that made her into the strong person she is today.
> A good pragmatic deal maker.

President François Hollande (President of France)
> Is good with socialism (which is the government of France right now)
> He is one of the first presidents who do not have prior experience as a minister or Junior Misister so he is bringing something new to the France government.

President Enrigue Peña Nieto (President of Mexico)
> He is bringing back a political party that has worked for Mexico for over 71 consecutive years.
> He has had experience as a governor.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (Chancellor of Germany)
> She has stepped up to be the first woman Chancellor of Germany.
> She has held countless leadership roles in government and it has made her confident and politically smart.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Prime Minister of Irael)
> Has held office once before.
> Is good at keeping peace with adversary countries.

Mahmoud Ahmadineiad (President of Iran)
> He was re-elected so he has an extra 4 years of presidential experience under his belt.
> He has an ultra-conservative side that can be vital in moments of his presidency.

Hu Jintao (President of the People's Republic of China)
> He was re-elected so he has experience and has learned from his early mmistakes as the president.
>He has made corruption a mandatory problem to work on.

President Hamad Karzai (President of Afghanistan)
> Attains a Masters deegree.
> He helped negotiate the defection of 500 of Dr. Najib's forces.

President Pranab Mukherjee (President of India)
> Has been a central figure in Indian politics for 4 decades.
> Is indeispensabl in India's coalition government.

Prime Minister David Cameron (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)
> Has a quality education ever since grade school and was thought to be a kid progiy in academics.
> He sought to modernize the government of the UNited Kingdom and people were ready for change.

Queen Elizabeth II (Queen of England)
> She has conferred over 387,700 honours and awards.
> The Queen is a patron of more than 620 charities and organizations.

President Barack Obama (President of the United States)
> was re-elected. He won by 300 more electorial votes than his oppenent.
> was a lawyer, so he strongly believes in justice.

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